Where Should I File My Lawsuit?

As attorneys we often take for granted what is commonplace to us, but can be so confusing to our clients. One of the things that lawyers view as fundamental that most clients simply do not understand is the venue or county in which you should file your lawsuit.  If you are not a professional lawyer or litigant you would have no reason to know these intricacies. But, In New Jersey not all counties are created equal. Some are more favorable to plaintiffs than others!  

The venue of your case is determined as follows:

  • In the county in which the cause of action arose, or in which any party to the action resides at the time of its commencement, or in which the summons was served on a nonresident defendant

  • A corporation shall be deemed to reside in the county in which its registered office is located or in any county in which it is actually doing business

In Personam Jurisdiction:

  • R.4:4-4 – by personal service or by leaving a copy at the dwelling place or by delivering to a person authorized to accept service

  • On a corporation, by personal service on an officer, director, trustee or managing or general agent, or any person authorized to accept service

  • Permits exercise of long-arm jurisdiction over non-resident defendant to the full extent permitted by due process of law

When more than one venue is permissible, the lawyers at Verp & Leddy rely on their expertise litigating in all counties of New Jersey to determine which venue is best for you.  Here is a helpful primer:

There is no such thing as a bad question when it comes to addressing your personal injuries and your rights. Contact us at Verp & Leddy to discuss your case today.