
If you have been injured due to the negligence, carelessness, recklessness or intentional misconduct of another person, you need to speak to Verp & Leddy today. We will provide you a free consultation to review your case. We can help you to figure out if you have a viable lawsuit. We can help you determine who to target your lawsuit against. And, we can provide you with an idea as to the value of your case so that BIG insurance companies do not take advantage of you with a low settlement offer.

Our Promise to You

Verp & Leddy prides itself on its attention to detail and attention to its clients. Our goal is to provide you counsel that is second to none, so that you can focus your attention on getting healthy while we get you money to help ease your pain. How do we do this? The answers are easy (and many)!

  • 12 hour call back guarantee

  • 24 hour availability of lawyer and staff

  • Decades of experience

  • Millions of dollars recovered for our clients

  • Free case consultation

  • Relationships with insurance companies, courts and defense counsel throughout New Jersey to leverage to your benefit

  • Intricate knowledge of the internal procedures and guidelines of insurance carriers, as well as their litigation strategy, including exposure analysis and setting of reserves to pay for your claim

  • Relationships with various professionals in distinct practice areas such as construction, accident reconstruction, medicine, police enforcement, leisure and recreational activities, hospitality, meteorology, occupational, vocational, economy, and life care planning, among others which can be utilized to serve as experts in your lawsuit

Contact the firm to schedule a free consultation today by filling out the form.

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