Overview of the New Jersey Court System

As attorneys we often take for granted what is commonplace to us, but can be so confusing to our clients. One of the things that lawyers view as fundamental that most clients simply do not understand is how the court system is set up in New Jersey.  If you are not a professional lawyer or litigant you would have no reason to know these intricacies.

There is a three-tiered system of courts in New Jersey

  • Trial Courts

    • If case is valued over $15,000, will be heard in Law Division

    • If case is between $3,000 and $15,000 it is placed in Special Civil Part

    • Cases below $3,000 are part of the Small Claims division of the Special Civil Part

      • There are special rules that govern the discovery in cases in the Special Civil Part

  • Appellate Division

    • Intermediate Appellate Level Courts

    • Hears cases that are appealable as of right (appeals taken from final orders)

    • And cases that are interlocutory and presented on motion(s) for leave

  • Supreme Court

    • Highest level appeals court

    • Hears cases on Petition(s) for Certiorari

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