Verp & Leddy

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Statute of Limitations

As attorneys we often take for granted what is commonplace to us, but can be so confusing to our clients. One of the things that lawyers view as fundamental that most clients simply do not understand is the time frame by which the law requires you to file suit or waive your claim. If you are not a professional lawyer or litigant you would have no reason to know these intricacies. But, In New Jersey there is what we refer to as a Statute of Limitations, which requires certain types of lawsuits to be filed within certain time frames. Failure to do so will result in dismissal of your case. The most common are:

  • 2 Years

    • Bodily injury based on negligence
  • 6 Years

    • Claims for Property Damage and recovery on a Contract

Commencement of a PIP Action

Within two years after the injured person suffers a loss or incurs an expense and knows or should know that the loss or expense was caused by the accident, or not later than four years after the accident whichever is earlier. However, if benefits have been paid before, then not later than two years after the last payment of benefits.

There is no such thing as a bad question when it comes to addressing your personal injuries and your rights. Contact us at Verp & Leddy to discuss your case today.